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At Roundhay St John’s, we want our children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena and to experience and enjoy the gift of awe and wonder as they gain a strong understanding of the world around them. We want our children to ask questions, be inquisitive about their surroundings and foster a love of science through a varied, exciting and engaging science curriculum from EYFS up to the end of KS2. We want them to acquire specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically. We want them to gain an understanding of scientific processes and of the uses and implications of science, today and for the future, as they develop as life-long learners and each live their life in all its fullness. We intend to make the best use of our local surroundings in Roundhay, the vast opportunities in our city of Leeds and links to Science Ambassadors within our community to enhance our pupils’ scientific experience and boost their Science Capital.


Our Science curriculum fosters a healthy curiosity in our children to learn more about our universe and promotes respect for the living and non-living. It encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes through practical experiences; using equipment, conducting experiments, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently. Throughout the delivery of the EYFS Statutory Framework, using the Development Matters non-statutory guidance and the National Curriculum for Science in KS1 and KS2 programmes of study, the children acquire and develop the key knowledge and vocabulary that has been identified within each unit and across each year group and develop the skills to predict, question, investigate and communicate to demonstrate their deepening understanding of the world. They also develop skills of observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing; and researching using secondary sources as they seek answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data.


Science progression maps, of skills and of knowledge, clearly outline how the science curriculum builds on previous learning as the pupils move through EYFS, KS1 and KS2. Classroom science displays throughout school use colourful and easily recognisable working scientifically symbols which help to focus on the specific skills being developed, vocabulary linked to the current learning and consistency throughout our age phases. Science resources are centrally stored, replenished and regularly checked for safety. The science subject leader works with staff to make use of our CLEAPPS membership to ensure health and safety guidance is followed and appropriate risk assessments are carried out in accordance with recommendations for practical and investigative work. Whole school initiatives such as British Science Week, our Sunflower Growing Competition, ‘Save the Bees’ wild garden seed scatter and tree planting project, all enhance the science experience our children enjoy throughout their time at Roundhay St John’s.


The school’s approach to science takes account of the school’s own context, ensuring access to people within our community with specialist expertise and places of scientific interest as part of the school’s commitment to learning outside the classroom. Cross curricular opportunities and memorable moments are also identified, mapped and planned to ensure contextual relevance. Across all age phases, we take full advantage of our close proximity to Roundhay Park, linking with the park rangers on seed collection and dispersal projects, workshops offered at Tropical World and walks, throughout the seasons, to understand more about the flora and fauna within our local area.


At Roundhay St John’s, we enjoy an ongoing connection with the national STEM Centre at York University which has helped to develop our successful science CPD offer for teachers across school. Accessing up to date and high quality DfE bursary funded day and residential courses, we have been able to target CPD tailored to each phase from EYFS to KS2 and to our outdoor learning with a focus on raising the profile of science in school; enhancing teaching, learning and assessment; and maximising our pupils’ science capital. Class teachers make use of Explorify digital resources, the Developing Experts presentation packages, investigations and PLAN science lesson plans from ASE along with other applications to aid the planning and teaching of science to meet all the needs of our pupils. They also draw on support and connections with other teachers nationally as they access the STEM community learning hub.


Pupils record their work in picture, written, word-processed, photograph or video formats and this can be found in pupils’ individual science books, class floor books, on class displays and in digital media files. The science subject leader, along with our school governor for science, monitor the teaching and learning of the subject through learning walks, book looks and pupil interviews. Assessment for learning in science across school makes use of a range of strategies to self-assess, peer assess, address misconceptions, talk, discuss and question. In addition to these, teachers use the TAPS focused practical assessments which are implemented within units of work and for which there are support materials and exemplar documents. Science is tracked termly using the school’s O Track pupil assessment tracking software.


As a result of the science curriculum we offer, our pupils can say, ‘I am a biologist, I am a chemist and I am a physicist’. In recent pupil interviews, our pupils expressed their enjoyment of science lessons and enthusiastically recalled their science learning and progress. Through our science curriculum, our pupils acquire a progression of scientific knowledge and skills and use an increasing bank of scientific vocabulary in order to explain their understanding of the world around them and most reach age related expectations in science. Following exposure to a range of influences in science, pupils’ Science Capital is enhanced and by the end of KS2, most are ready to progress to the KS3 science curriculum at secondary school. Our teachers are equipped and confident in their subject knowledge, use of resources, teaching methods and assessments to teach the science curriculum and enhance learning and progress and are well supported by the subject leader for science and our school governor for science.


Read our Science Policy

Science Long Term Plan

Progression of scientific knowledge

Progression in scientific vocabulary

Progression of enquiry skills