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Roundhay St John's Church Of England Primary School

Learning to live life in all its fullness


As a Church of England School, we base all that we do on our Christian vision. As such, we seek to develop relationships between adults and children which are underpinned by Christian values including kindness, responsibility, fairness, truth, courtesy, compassion, forgiveness and thankfullness. Good behaviour is central to Christian values. 

The very high standard of behaviour and self discipline of our children is a notable feature of our school and the that makes for a very happy and harmonious environment.  It also means that children are able to take full advantage of the learning opportunities on offer.


Our approach to behaviour has led to a Behaviour Charter which is displayed around school and is used as a tool for implementing and monitoring the policy in a visual way.  It sets out what we mean by ‘good’, ‘wobbly’ and ‘unacceptable’ behaviour and everyone understands those terms.  This charter is also supported by a set of agreed class rules that are personal to and agreed by each class.

We aim to remove barriers that could lead to unacceptable behaviour.  Primarily, this is about the way in which we build and value relationships right across the school community, live out the school’s aims and ethos in our daily work and by creating an environment which supports children appropriately and positively.  This also paves the way to providing a consistent approach to the management of more challenging behaviour when it presents.

As recent inspector noted:

'School leaders are fully committed to meeting the needs of each pupil as individuals within a diverse community.  Differences in background are recognised and celebrated.  The result is a highly inclusive and caring school in which relationships are rooted in mutual respect and kindness...Behaviour is excellent...'   (SIAMS Inspector)

Read our full policy and statement of behaviour principles here...

School's Suspension and Permanent Exclusion Guidance